I can give good advice to a co-worker/friend and it will fall on deaf ears. But, doggone it, let Steve Harvey, a man on his third marriage, tell a woman to "respect yourself" and they run to Barnes & Noble to buy his book.

I don't get it. You can't be insightful unless you're already famous? You have to have starred in a certain number of TV shows or movies in order to have credibility?
Ex-con, Lyfe Jennings, took the radio airwaves by storm with his "Statistics" song. He sang about the type of men a lady will meet and how to not "be a nickel looking for a dime." The song was being played every where right before he went back to jail for getting into an altercation with the mother of his child. Now's he's a "Statistic." Again. Yet, his lyrics are still tweeted daily.

So, yeah, I'm bitter. I haven't had multiple marriages. I don't have any baby mamas nor do I hit women. Doesn't that make me more of an expert since I generally practice what I preach? I want my next pay check to be from some common sense statement I made in a blog. For example: "If he will cheat with you, he will cheat on you."
Where's my dough? If Reverend Run tweeted that same statement then he would have more retweets than a stuttering baby bird.
If there's money to be made in common sense, why can't the guy with "Common Sense" in his blog title make any? How can I cash in?
Maybe I should go the route of some of my peers. I take a lot of pride in some of my fellow bloggers who have turned their thoughts into books (or are in the process of doing so):
My man, Sid, down in FL has a book or two at Barnes & Noble. One of my new faves, Tameka, is doing her thing with "The Writing Assassin". It's very good and I wish I everyone would follow and support her. Scott gives a lot of outside-the-box perspectives on his blog as well.

We all need to rise up and get our pay checks! No sense in already-famous people getting all of the attention for saying some of the same things we've posted.
Now, if I can only get Dr. Phil to float me a loan to help publish my book...
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