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Would legalizing hookers actually reduce crime? |
I spoke with a friend of mine recently named M&M. He stated that legalizing prostitution would do the following: improve family structure, reduce crime, demolish the unemployment rate, and a few more things. Don't believe me? Click here and hear it for yourself.
After listening to some of his points, I tended to agree with most of them, if not all of them. Some of the deep thinking he brought to the table seemed like a stretch at first. But, after thinking about it longer, it seemed like it would eventually turn out the way he predicted if hookin' was legalized.
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Would marijuana being legal reduce crime? |
We then got into the subject of legalizing marijuana. M&M pretty much agreed that it should be done as well. But, before we could get deep into the conversation, I got a phone call from my man, Israel Carrasco, from out in L.A. If anyone had the scoop on "the sticky," it would be someone who lives in an area where medicinal "Mary Jane" is legal. Iz gave some great insight on how things work out in Cali and offered his opinion on how things would be if weed were legal nationwide. Like M&M, he also provided a very convincing argument.
Going into the conversation, I thought that the U.S. could benefit greatly from both being legalized. After all, once alcohol was legalized, it did wonders for our economy. Every holiday that we have, or major sporting event, groceries stores and liquor stores get cleaned out of their alcohol. The money that's spent on booze is staggering and it provides a huge boost to our economy.
Weed maybe arguably safer than beer. I've seen an angry drunk, but I've never seen an angry weed head. Worse case scenario on a weed head is that he/she eats up all of your snacks. And if you legalize hookers, then they can have benefits which ensures good health. You'll also all but eliminate back alley head bobs which could lead to rape, robbery, or worse.
So, it's time for the government to get off of its moral high horse. I think it's more immoral to snatch a man's job and give it to someone else overseas on the cheap than to let him roll a blunt and get his jollies at the Bunny Ranch.
Yes and yes, both should be legal and regulated!
ReplyDeleteDo you think it will ever happen, Tsaritsa?
ReplyDeletePoliticians here are debating decriminalising Prostitution at the moment. Hopefully they will and then sex workers will be more protected.
ReplyDeleteWhile hookers and "The Weed" have no place in my life, I agree with Mynx about the legalization of prostitution helping sex workers be more protected. Ganja doesn't seem like a major drug and a fair amount of people use it so by legalizing and taxing it, it could be beneficial as far as tax revenue is concerned.
ReplyDeleteMynx, I agree that it would offer protection for sex workers. This is a moral issue and I usually don't like how the government inserts itself into certain moral issues yet ignores others. Ex. I think it's immoral to lay off someone in your own country just to employ someone in another for cheaper.
ReplyDeleteEmpress, I also don't use the services of either, but I'm numb to the results of those who do. Weed doesn't appear to be any worse than alcohol. In fact, some would argue that it's safer. Hookers would probably benefit from having healthcare from being employed which would result in safer sex.
Really awesome post with really great points!!
ReplyDeleteI need to start listening in again. My schedule & mind is swamped with such crap, I always seem to be in some busy, hectic place when you're on the air.
Legalize and pass the Cheetos!
@Pixi - You should have heard Iz! He was hilarious! He and M&M had me laughing so hard that the show went way off the rails around the halfway point! You have to listen to the podcast when you get a chance.
ReplyDeleteT-Q. I'm in full agreement. You didn't mention un-crowding our prison and court systems and helping to reduce the drug cartels' stranglehold on Mexico, but I'm certain M&M did.
ReplyDeleteAdults need to have the freedom to determine their own lifestyles.
Fuck Rick Perry.
Thanks for chiming in, Mooner! You're right about uncrowding jails and court rooms. We did forget to mention that. M&M did state that Mexican cartels would take a huge hit if weed were to be legalized.
ReplyDeleteBTW, how do you feel about Rick Perry? :)