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Snooki is an author. Huh? |
Why is that? What makes us not care for people we don't know? I'll list the three main reasons that people will take time out of their day to post, tweet, or comment about celebs:
Jealousy - Most of us fall into this category, but in different ways. There are women who hate on Beyonce because they're jealous of her. She looks good and sings well (at times) and because they don't have what she has, they analyze her with a microscope to find a flaw. "Oh, she's arrogant." "She wears a weave." "Her booty is padded." Another way people are jealous, and I fall into this category, is that they hate to see people with very little talent become famous. I hate on Snooki because she makes more money monthly than I do annually for being a moron and a drunk. Subconciously, I'm jealous of the fact that she had the guts (or lacked the common sense) to lay her dignity down to be the next national idiotic icon.
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I can't even Super Size my meal for $21 million. |
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Has a Ph.Double-D in sports. |
Female sports reporters have it bad. I'll be honest, I can't stand the ladies who were hired just because they looked good. There are a lot of sideline reporters or studio hosts who lack so much sports knowledge that they'll tell you there's a such thing as a "football bat." Lisa Guerrero? Jillian Barberie? Clueless! But there are also women who have sports in their blood and they know what they're talking about, yet they get little-to-no respect. Linda Cohn, Jemele Hill, Pam Ward, Michelle Tafoya, and Andrea Kramer to name a few notables. But some prehistoric men feel as if they belong either with pom poms in their hands and in short skirts or bringing them a beer. Sad.
Lebron James is hated for changing jobs. Think about it. He changed jobs! If you left McDonald's for Burger King, would you find it odd if every single customer for McD's hated you? Despite the fact that people have changed jobs since jobs were invented, they chose you out of everyone to hate. What happened to Lebron James is the result of media sensationalism. The media pounded him so much that we all started thinking, "Maybe this dude is a bad guy. He did do Cleveland wrong!"
No, he didn't. The press conference he had, to announce "The Decision," may have been considered tasteless in the eyes of Cleveland, but it was ground-breaking to most everyone else. We've seen press conferences of people changing sports teams, but never an entire show. Lebron did something no one else has done before and made money for charity in doing so (along with pimping his new flavor of Lifewater products). The same media outlet in which his show aired (ESPN) was also the same media outlet to demonize him to the public. "Oh, this was tasteless! How could he do this to the Cleveland fans?"
Yet, you jumped at the chance of broadcasting "The Decision" and bumped live sports off-air to do so. Hypocrites.
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Only a warlock can love me. |
Money and fame are such a powerful thing that it can drive a wedge between people who have never met.
Interesting post. I do hate-on the behavior of fame whoring celebutards (as evidenced over at my blog) but I don't ever recommend disliking someone because of their fame, possessions, power, etc. Their is always some sort of price one has to pay for being a celebrity - and I even include "He Who Shall Not Be Named" in that sentiment.
ReplyDeleteThe Ranter’s Box
LOL! I think people think that just because they learn so much of the intimate details about a person through TV and the Web, that they feel as if they know them. Maybe that justifies the hate for them. I don't know.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the Empress's word "celebutard!" I will say it, Q, I am a straight up hater. For the second reason you listed. And I'll take it a step further - why do we even reward celebrities and athletes with these opportunities to make gobs of money in the first place?! I know this might sound really harsh, but I just do not see the intrinsic "value" in contributions to humanity coming from a chick with big boobs and a nice ass who looks good on a movie screen or a super tall dude who can slam a ball into a little net. It's just entertainment. And we are so shallow to reward that. We SHOULD be rewarding teachers, police officers, the military, paramedics, scientists, social workers (tee hee hee), daycare workers, and everyone ELSE who does something to contribute something VALUABLE and meaningful to society with those gobs of money. Don't get me wrong - I love watching football as much as the next guy (haha), but I do not think they should make as much money as they do to "play" a game that they love playing anyway. And hell yeah, if you do something SO stupid like shoot up a strip joint and get away with it just because you're Mr. NFL or whoever, then I sure will have something stank to say about your ass!
ReplyDeleteC'mon, Reck! That sounds dangerously close to being logical! :)
ReplyDeleteYou know we don't tolerate logic in this country! That's why it's $10 for an aspirin in a hospital, quality education isn't free, and why there are signs on the highways that read "Construction - 10 miles" with nothing but orange cones and unmanned bulldozers along the way.
I don't hate any celebrity, but I hate the fact that some of these idiots are given such a huge platform. Snooki, Charlie Sheen, Sarah Palin-- all of these people are pretty much braindead, but we give them so much attention because America loves a train wreck. This is why I sometimes just turn off the TV and read a book.
ReplyDelete@ Tsaritsa - A book? What is this book you speak of, child? LOL! Yeah, under-25's who read are in the minority these days unless it's "Twilight" or "Harry Potter." Even if they do read, Snooki and Palin both have books they can enjoy! :)
ReplyDeleteSometimes the hate is justified because the people that are hated on are A-holes!. It's not just that people are hated on for being successful, there is usually an a-hole factor on top of it. BTW I emailed you bc I can't leave comments from my computer so I'm leaving one from work but I would love to do your radio show. Hit me up. mrdoolittle906605@yahoo.com send me the details
ReplyDeleteThe Iz! Yeah, some of these people do develop the a-hole gene when they strike it rich. In fact, I'm usually more surprised now when someone is down-to-earth as opposed to being a snob. Sad, huh?
ReplyDeleteThis hits home for me because I know I have hated on many of those. I think for me what I "hate" is seeing others get opportunities and use their fame for the bad then for the good. Getting paid millions and but don't pay off their house. Living beyond their means and then claiming that they "need" more. Are you kidding me? Those are times when you wish you can bitch-slap them.
ReplyDeleteSo when it's all gone they have nothing to show for it. As long as we watch and listen to what the media shows and tells us, we will always feel this way.
Sonia, you're right about being upset over how they blow their money. Charlie Sheen will wind up broke if he doesn't truly turn his life around. Look at Mike Tyson. He was rich beyond his wildest dreams and is now broker than a figurine in Professor Klump's back pocket. It does fuel the hate because it makes the average person wonder what they could have done with just half of the money these people have blown.